domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

Gender and Imagery in Disney Animation

Are you a villain for being a female that looks and talks like a male or a male that looks and talks like a female? Will a villain always be a female that looks and talks like a male or a male that looks and talks like a female?
Are you a villain for dressing black, red, and/or lime green? Will a villain never dress something different than black, red, and/or lime green?

Will a person that is ugly under your eyes necessarily be a villain? For being good do you only need to look elegant and nice?

These are small generalizations that Disney makes in all movies (exclude the most recent ones).


1) 1937 Snow White and The Seven Dwarves - Snow White vs. Evil Queen
Just looking at the image is enough. Snow White is this beautiful young girl. The Evil Queen is so jealous of Snow White and this is the reason why the queen wants to kill Snow White.
Finally, we have two views that portray the Evil Queen. The first is under her Queen costume where she doesn't look ugly, but her face scares me, while the other is her witch side, which only the view scares me away, she is definitely old and ugly and wearing black. She clearly doesn't have the sweet voice. She is obviously the villain!

2) 1959 Sleeping Beauty - Aurora vs. Maleficent
Just looking at the image is enough. Aurora can be described in one word: beautiful. Maleficent can be described in one word too: demon. She looks exactly like a demon added to the fact that she wears black and purple and has horns. 
You can clearly distinguish this generalized views of heroes and villains in Disney animated movies.

3) 1989 The Little Mermaid - Ariel vs. Ursula
The Little Mermaid is one of the classics Disney animated movies.
The image is more than enough to reinforce the clear stereotypes reinforced by Disney. Aurora is a beautiful princess with sweet voice (and an amazing singer), and Ursula is not only jealous from Aurora's voice that she forces her to sign a contract for the voice, but also is an ugly female that has really strong male characteristics.
There is no need to point that all scenes with Ursula all surrounded with black, purple, and lime green colors. Also, Ursula's voice, hair, and some characteristics are extremely close to a man, although she is a woman. Ursula is fat and ugly, and without a doubt, the stereotyped villain.

4) 2009 The Princess and the Frog - Tiana vs. Doctor Facillier
The Princess and the Frog and The Little Mermaid are two of the best examples of the stereotypes reinforced by Disney in their animated films.
Doesn't the image talk by itself? Tiana is this beautiful female character while the villain, Dr. Facillier, besides of the fact that he is continuously related to death symbols and voodoo, he wears black and all his scenes are related with black and lime green. He is a male with a few female characteristics.

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